Sunday 12 October 2008

Flakey Mediumship

The spiritualist’ establishment by and large fails to accept the belief that Spirit communication demands the need for careful scrutiny, in as much as failure to carryout any kind of evaluation will cheapen the effectiveness and evidential quality of the 'spirit message'. The following survey of 'spirit contact' styles is largely unsound and should not be accepted as proof of spirit communication.

Psychic related skills:

Aura repairs, sand readings, runes readings, fortune telling, magic potions, coloured card readings, crystal energised rocks, psychometry (obtaining information about a person through a personal object, such as a watch or a ring, etc.), are seen in psychic fairs and psychic workshops and contain an element of mysticism. These skills can be demonstrated without the need for spirit contact and should be treated with vigilance.

Blind faith:

A belief system based on history and doctrines are normally associated with religion. Spiritualism and successful spirit contact must be built on hard facts and concrete evidence. It is remarkable to witness people who accept as evidence, any information that is handed to them by the Medium. This can be attributed to many reasons, but amongst the most striking reasons is the assumption that the demonstrating medium is competent and his / her being on the platform is justification in itself for accepting ' evidence'.

Spirit guides:

The portrayal of exotic guides, including North American Indians, Chinese and African Guides, DoorKeepers, Spirit Helpers, Fairies and Angels cannot be discounted entirely as proof of spirit survival. Nonetheless, this type of 'evidence' should be treated with caution because it is based from start to finish on a physical description of an unknown personality. Most people are not in the position to affirm any information about their 'spirit guides' because it is so unlikely that the recipient of the message personally knew the guide during this lifetime. Similarly, psychic artist’ impressions of spirit guides should be treated with caution for reasons already explained.


A popular concept amongst numerous Mediums is to give 'evidence', which is solely based on a 'past-life' experience. Apart from exceptionally recorded cases, most people are unable to retain a link from a 'previous life'.

Personal behaviour:

It has been widely noted that some Mediums will resort to personal tactics in an attempt to force someone into accepting unsound information as spirit evidence; for example, bullying tactics, insincerity, stonewalling or vagueness and asking direct questions are just a few examples. This type of behaviour is totally unacceptable and should been condemned as counterproductive.

Famous dignitaries:

There is a terrifying trend within mediumship that gives scope for the Medium to pass on messages from famous dignitaries. Named examples have included Henry IIIV, Princess Diana and Florence Nightingale amongst other notabilities. The possibility of a famous person emerging as a spirit communicator is very feasible but vigilance should be shown if the Medium demonstrates the same notability time and time again. Even so, a message that is delivered by a dignitary embraces an ingredient of power and status that may be too irresistible to reject by some people, including the Medium.


Countless Mediums hand out to their sitters, a cluster of 'petals' from 'loved ones' in spirit. Roses, Chrysanthemums, Carnations and Lily of-the-valley are the most popular to cite. Whilst it is recognised that the giving of flowers can be symbolic, it does not constitute evidence unless it has a clear-cut link to the sitter.

Second guessing (the Mediums dream):

Some Mediums may consciously or subconsciously manipulate information to their advantage. To illustrate this point, the following scenario is a typical case whereby the recipient of the message has fed the Medium with a salvo of information; thus the 'Mediums dream' becomes a reality:

Medium: "can I come to the lady at the front"
Sitter: "yes"
Medium: "can you accept a lady in spirit"?
Sitter: "yes, that is my Mother, she died with a rare brain disorder at the age of 85, she was in China at the time, it was very distressing for my brothers and sisters"
Medium - "why do I get hospital appointments and many tests performed"?
Sitter - "she had brain scans"
Medium- "I get the impression she was very old when she died"!
Sitter - "that is correct"
Medium - "she was very adventurous and liked travelling far across the world"!
Sitter - "that is correct"
Medium - "You were part of a large family"!
Sitter - 'yes'

As you can see, the Medium did not intend to extract information from the sitter in this way. In spite of this, the Medium has cashed in on the information and has claimed full praise for his awe-inspiring performance.

Sunday 7 September 2008

The Jesus Closet

"Brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle" (2 Thessalonians 2:14 )

Of all the unexpected encounters during my numerous visits to spiritualist’ churches is my clash with Christianity in churches which are affiliated to the Spiritualist National Union. Several ( SNU ) spiritualist churches I know promote Christianity at every occasion by way of Christian hymn singing, depictions of the Nazarene placed strategically with Christian paintings to boot.

One such church in Brighton, United Kingdom, of which I was Vice-president for several years, has a consecrated sanctuary for spiritual healing and other services. The walls of this little grotto are straddled with inappropriate murals of Christ and his apostles and have the added feature of spotlight luminosity, for all and sundry to bear witness.

The President of this little sanctuary, a sprightly lady in her 90th year, has clearly authorised the promotion of Christianity to be exhibited in ways that she believes are appropriate. One such painting of Christ, dressed in a white robe, can be found on the 2nd floor of the church. This overbearing portrayal of Christ clearly acts as a backdrop and central theme of focus on the spiritualist platform.

The Spiritualist National Union ( SNU ) which encompasses spiritualist ideology is, in the main, not affiliated to Christianity and should not endorse or promote Christianity in any configuration. This theorem is unequivocally substantiated in the Seven Principles of Spiritualism which make no reference to Christ’ doctrines.

Be that as it may, The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church, voices its’ reliance in eight pledges which include ‘ I accept the Leadership of Jesus Christ’ ‘ I believe that sins committed can only be rectified by the sinner himself or herself, through the redemptive power of Jesus the Christ, by repentance and service to others’

The church quotes the following : ‘ Jesus Christ, the Way, and Christianity; Spiritualism and spiritual gifts; Mediums: attitudes and aspirations; Mediumship: the safe way and the way which causes harm; Predestination and 'incarnating' and viewing these spiritually; Religion in both its liberal and literalistic sense and their effects; Clairvoyance and clairaudience; Psychics and spirituality; Plants, animals and humbler creations; Afterlife or life-after-death’

Allow me be very clear here. Christianity may have a place in the minds and souls of many millions of Christians around the World who in their turn, have accepted the virtuousness of Christianity.

Nonetheless, my consideration is charged against many Presidents and the supporting committees of Spiritualist' churches which are affiliated to the Spiritualist National Union, but who after all is said and done, continue to contravene the teachings of the Spiritualist National Union and who accordingly subscribe and advertise Christianity at every given opportunity. Added to this, a few scrapes of spiritualism thrown in to appease the mob.

I recall one occasion during an official delegation of visitors from the Spiritualist National Union. One delegate, a high ranking minister quite rightly challenged the reasoning behind the portrayal and display of Christianity in the form of wall paintings. The ministerial quizzing was swiftly followed by a suggestion that the offending church should consider selling the pictures as a means of raising funds for the good of the church !.

Nowadays, the legions of churches which are affiliated to the Spiritualist National Union continue to promote Christianity on every occasion and the SNU appears powerless towards countering this pathetic situation. At worst, the Spiritualist National Union acknowledges the position but turns away and does nothing.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Trusting Your Psychic

Countless numbers of people experience the effects of psychic intuition which by all accounts can be astounding or even spectacular, especially if psychic intuition results in a fundamental change of behaviour or a particular situation. This so called ‘inner voice ’ can impact peoples’ thoughts without little warning and thus, influence how people react to their newly acquired outlook.

Psychic intuition

A person sanctified with the psychic gift will predominately read the aura of an individual or object, using intuitiveness as a means of obtaining information of a material value, such as health and futuristic issues, etc. Psychics can literally ‘read people’ or situations without the need of help from spirit forces. Many ordinary people possess a limited psychic gift which they may or may not be aware of, for example, many individuals experience positive or negative feelings towards people or objects. Comments such as ‘ I like him’ or ‘ I feel uncomfortable with her’ or ‘ I like this place’ are very common accounts to mention.

Inner voice

I recall several vivid accounts of how my ‘inner voice’ has intervened during the course of life’events, the consequence of which has influenced my thoughts, feelings and actions.

One such case involved a girl I met at College several years ago. On face value of my newly found friendship, I was convinced that I had nothing in common with this person, however, the inner voice said ‘yes you have ‘. I hence listened, reasoned and accepted my ‘gut feeling’. As I continued to get to know my college friend over the weeks and Months which followed, I began to realise that we had in-fact very similar interests to share. On reflection, my initial dismissive attitude was short-sighted.

By the same token I recall meeting a man some years ago who appeared to be very warm and outgoing. Be that as it may, without warning and virtually within a short time of meeting this person, my inner voice suggested that this situation was ‘not right‘ for me. At the time, I could not sensibly explain this feeling, nor could I justify dismissing someone on the basis of a feeling that I was unable to justify. During the weeks which followed I realised my newly acquired friend was skin-deep in every way. This warm and outgoing personality was masking other problems which I was unable and unwilling to deal with.

Common types of psychic intuition

There are numerous types of psychic intuition which are in need of account. Many people experience good or bad vibes about certain people they meet in the course of the day and some people will experience this type of feeling on the basis of meeting someone for the first time, possibly even before they engage in their first conversation.

Many documented cases have exposed how relationships have been made or broken within a couple of seconds of people meeting for the first time. For example, this phenomena is well documented in cases where the job interviewer has often come to a conclusion about the job candidate within a matter of seconds. The same can be said about potential house purchasers who view a property and know within a few seconds how they feel about the property. Of course, there could be several reasons how this phenomena is explained but ‘gut feeling’ should be deliberated without doubt.

Many people experience the ‘inner voice’ feeling during the most commonplace situations. For instance, how many times have you snatched that bargain at the local shop on the basis of impulse, but subsequently, have returned the same item because second thoughts have made you more mindful. This situation may be explained away by ‘gut feeling’ which has guided you away from the initial impulse of your first thought. ‘Gut feeling’ is therefore not uncommon by any means and is often accepted by some people as second nature without any further need for introspective reasoning about how these feelings have evolved.

Animals are not excluded from psychic intuition either. Many people will contend with the idea that animals are more psychically aware of effects such as danger than are humans. One case which verifies this theory perfectly is the Asian Tsunami of 2004. It is widely reported that animals of varying species fled the coastal towns of the affected region several hours before the tidal waves came ashore.

Examples of dramatic types

History recalls numerous psychics, the most famous and controversial perhaps is Nostradamous who wrote prophetic quatrains and is declared to have made reference to Hitler and Nuclear attacks amongst other dramatic subjects, several hundred years before the events became reality. Psychics of today include the American, Sylvia Browne who has made numerous predictions about political figureheads such as Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden.

Psychic intuition is not exclusively owned by the most gifted of psychics. This is clearly demonstrated by ordinary people who have successfully predicted mundane and World events on a widespread basis. Examples include the prediction of plane crashes and other types of disasters including the Terrorist attacks in New York and the Asian Tsunami.

How seriously should you listen to the ‘ inner voice ‘

I had real challenges accepting my ‘inner voice’ for many years prior to the day I finally woke up and realised that trusting my gift was the best option for me. A combination of arrogance and senselessness on my part had resulted in unfavourable consequences and missed opportunities. Nowadays, I place greater emphasis on trusting my ‘gut feeling’ to the extent where I accept intuition as second nature and act on it wherever possible.

The correlation between mediumship and psychic ability.

Mediums and Psychics alike are sensitive to the environmental influences of positive and negative energies that exude from animate and inanimate objects. By way of the sixth sense, this quality allows the Medium or Psychic to detect the magnetic properties that surround all living creatures and objects.

Nonetheless, the mediumistic ability of the Psychic is normally considered to be very limited or even non-existent. Consequently, any contact with spirit is less-likely. The Medium, however, is potentially attuned to the higher forces of psychic awareness and is potentially able to make contact with spirit as a result of heightened psychic sensitivity.

Mediums and Psychics are capable of communicating information through telepathic sources; Psychics can accomplish this through the mind waves of humans, whereas Mediums can potentially achieve this through spirit contact. Mediums and Psychics are sensitive. A Medium must be psychic so that the spirit link can be made. Psychics can ‘read people’ without the need of help from spirit forces

Monday 16 June 2008

EU Consumer Protection Regulations

Spiritualism and other leading authorities linked to clairvoyance have taken a giant leap forward, thanks to the imminent introduction of the European Union’ Consumer Protection Regulation, which will protect people from fraudulent Mediums and other psychic practitioners who blatantly con their clients. Under the 1951 Fraudulent Mediums Act, prosecutors would need to prove the Medium had intended to be fraudulent in order to secure a conviction.

The Act offered protection to Mediums because it meant the person receiving the information was taking personal responsibility for the information provided by the Medium. The client therefore would have to prove the Medium was fraudulent Under the EU Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, which comes into force in the UK on 26 May 2008; it will be the Medium's responsibility to prove they did not mislead or coerce vulnerable consumers. Many Mediums and psychic practitioners fear that changes to laws regulating the industry could leave them open to malicious civil action by sceptics, for example, there is always the possibility that Mediums will be targeted by people intent on making money by suing what they see as easy targets.

All the same, other authorities say that this change will tighten standards, discourage "less than ethical" practitioners and make it easier for the public to understand what to expect from a reading. The change will offer vulnerable people greater protection against fraud. I truly believe that the introduction of the European Union’ Consumer Protection Regulation will make real changes to the current status, where some psychic practitioners and Mediums are permitted to make completely unsubstantiated claims and to take payment for their services, without fear of legal action. Some spiritualist churches and related organisations are rife with either fraudulent Mediums or people who are simply not qualified in this field of work.

The European Union’ Consumer Protection Regulation is, in my eyes, a platform which will path the way forward for greater and better standards of service on the spiritualist platform. Many Mediums fear the introduction of this regulation because they will claim to be easy targets by unscrupulous individuals.

Let me reassure all Mediums and psychic practitioners that they have nothing to fear if they are genuine and sincere in their conduct as psychic professionals. I know of at least two fraudulent Mediums who blatantly con their victims and are often seen on the spiritualist platform. Their days of public service are surely numbered thank God, as I am sure they will vanish from the spiritualist platform as quickly as they appeared.

How to Assess a Medium's Ability

The Assessment Database and how to assess the ability of a Medium.

'Our ability to accurately recall precise information after a period of time can be tricky and challenging in the presence of a clairvoyant who may demand instead responses to the delivered message from Spirit. Add to this our ability for selective memory; we are sometimes left in a vacuum of information that is lodged between fact and fantasy' ..Spiritvoice

Instant answers

‘How can anyone retrieve accurate pieces of information from yesteryear in the presence of a Medium who requires instant answers to confirm the spirit-link. How can a reliable pattern of spirit evidence be confirmed if we are prone to poor memory and clouded judgement; an issue which is more common than we care to think in these circumstances’......Spiritvoice

Suggestions for assessing Mediums

During the demonstration of mediumship the assessor should distinctly refer to the benchmark criteria which is set-out in the Assessment Database ( Medium name, presentation, sincerity, total data received, accepted information, rejected information, golden hits and date ). Only then can the assessor apply the applicable test of criteria to the performing Medium and award relevant scores to the criteria as directed by the guidance in the assessment criteria.

Database criteria

The results of the assessment are subsequently transferred to the Assessment Database and Subsequent demonstrations by the same Medium are similarly recorded and evaluated, using previously held criteria based scores.


Recording the name and the location of the Medium will be useful for future referencing and marking.

Presentation and sincerity

Presentation skills may vary according to the experience and competence of the Medium and are subjective by nature. Some Mediums exhibit confidence, good speaking and listening skills, diplomatic skills and general interpersonal behaviour traits whilst delivering mediumship.
Other Mediums deploy bullying tactics, insincerity, arrogance and stonewalling antics as a means of attempting to force someone into accepting unsound information as spirit evidence.
You should refer to the statements below whilst the Medium is assessed:

Does the Medium come across as professional or non-professional.
Focused and skilled Mediums will display a proficient stance during the demonstration of mediumship and will instil confidence in people.
Less skilled individuals will reflect their deficiencies in numerous ways. For example, fumbling mannerisms, wandering off the point, padding out messages, vague notions and generalisations about non-related subjects.

Your own personal observation over time will give you the experience and skills required to define and evaluate good quality presentation methods. This will enable you to subjectively award a mark out of ten for the presentation criterion.

Total number of data received

For example, Medium 'A's Assessor has identified 18 references to potential spirit links during the total demonstration. The Assessor has therefore gained the necessary skills required to define applicable pieces of data which refer to potential spirit links as listed below :

Large detached house
Lower-high street
Worked as a civil servant
Lived in Rome
Lived in a house
'J', as in the first letter of the name
Lived in a town
Worked for a long time
Visited Europe
Liked the sea
An upright character
John Campbell
Lived in chatham for 5 years
Married for 20 years
His only child moved to Canada at age 20 years
His wife was killed in a car crash
John worked as a heart specialist in Manchester

The references to 18 potential spirit links are now assessed and tagged as acceptable or rejected pieces of evidence, which also includes golden hits.

Accepted and rejected data

During the demonstration of clairvoyance the Medium will handout to his sitters, a host of information which may or may not represent a communication link with Spirit. The assessor should objectively note the number of acceptable and rejected key pieces of data, including the ‘golden hits’ that is handed out to the sitters during the demonstration.

For example, Medium 'A' has scored 4 / 5 by way of providing the following spirit communication which falls under the heading of 'acceptable evidence'

Large detached house ( accepted by sitter )
John ( accepted by sitter )
Lower-high street ( accepted by sitter )
Worked as a civil servant ( accepted by sitter )
Lived in Rome ( rejected by sitter )

The evidence in this example is passable and is more or less accepted by the sitter that inter- links to a deceased individual. The evidence is subsequently verified by the recipient of the message.

The 'acceptance' criterion would therefore attract 4 points from the listed five pieces of acceptable data.

By way of contrast, Medium 'A' has been marked-down during the same demonstration because seven pieces of information have been tagged as 'rejected' pieces of information:

Lived in a house ( accepted by sitter but too vague )
'J', as in the first letter of the name ( rejected by the sitter but vague anyhow )
Lived in a town ( accepted by sitter but too vague )
Worked for a long time ( rejected by the sitter but vague anyhow )
Visited Europe ( rejected by the sitter but vague anyhow )
Liked the sea ( rejected by the sitter but vague anyhow )
An upright character ( accepted by the sitter but too vague )

Medium 'A' has not passed the 'credible' evidence test in-respect of seven pieces of data, even though the sitter has accepted some of the evidence. In all likelihood the accepted evidence'is too vague and generalised to be taken earnestly. The 'rejected' criterion should therefore attract a score of 0 / 7 .

The 'rejected' criterion would therefore attract 0 / 7 from the listed pieces of rejected data.
Golden hit criteria score.

During this demonstration of clairvoyance, Medium 'A' has made reference to six potentially excellent spirit links that cannot be refuted as mere coincidence or tomfoolery if accepted by the recipient, for example :

John Campbell ( accepted by sitter )
Lived in chatham for 5 years ( accepted by sitter )
Married for 20 years ( rejected by the sitter )
His only child moved to Canada at age 20 years ( accepted by sitter )
His wife was killed in a car crash ( accepted by sitter )
John worked as a heart specialist in Manchester ( accepted by sitter )
Each accepted message is awarded 2 points as directed under the Golden hit criteria score.
The 'Golden hit' criterion would therefore attract 10 points from the listed six pieces of acceptable data ( 1 piece was rejected ) that relate to the ‘golden hit’ criterion.

Summary of scores

Awarded for Mediums'A' during this demonstration of mediumship are shown below:

Presentation = Value is for guidance only and is not used in gauging clairvoyance
Sincerity = Value is for guidance only and is not used in gauging clairvoyance
Accepted data = 4 points awarded out of 5 identified pieces of information accepted
Rejected data = 0 points awarded out of 7 identified pieces of information given
Golden hits = 10 points awarded out of 6 identified pieces of information accepted

The average score formula

14 / 18 x 100 = 78 % average score for the last recorded assessment.

Date and number of assessments

The results of the Assessment Database have been captivating and based on the these findings, it has been possible to accurately predict the likely traits and trends of a selected Medium.

More surprising is the fact that some Mediums seem to follow a definite pattern whilst demonstrating mediumship. For example, one Medium in particular is habitually drawn to the same patterns of ‘evidence’. For example, key words such as 'Indian Guide', 'Links with London' is a constant feature and is replicated, time- and- time again. By the same token, a few Mediums have routinely scored high, even after several dozen assessments.

MySQL Database

Many on-line web hosting companies provide database capabilities for their customers by way of MySQL software. On the other hand, off-line software, which is available to virtually all PC users, enables the individual to record spirit data on their own PC databases, for example, Microsoft Excel and Lotus Spreadsheets provide the capability for the end- user to set up their own personal database for recording evidence that has been obtained from spirit contact / clairvoyants.
Example transcript of Medium recorded in spiritualist church, UK

I am aware of your Mother in the Spirit World. She was a real lady. I am aware she was very gentle but a very strong character. She also experienced great loss and mourned someone

Yes that is correct


She is saying that you are pushing yourself too much and you should take things slowly. She is saying that there is alot going on in the family and if it is not one thing then it is another. Your Mother was the same in that she always took something to heart.



Your Mother had connections with powerful people or business



Then it is someone who is close you in the family

Yes it is my son


He makes quick decisions and he is being looked after. He is also someone who has a great mind and would not take unnecessary risks

Ho yes


Who is Tony, because he is so different in that he is like you and has a great love for the World

He is my other son


You constantly worry about your children but your Mother is saying that this confirms your love for the children



You have been looking at a photo of your Mum recently and she was watching you at the time. At the end of her life, your Mother became withdrawn from the World. She is also talking about a wedding. You have been thinking about your memories recently and your Mother has been aware of this too.

Yes I have but I cannot take the wedding


Your Mother had a great love of flowers and I am aware of blue irises



Is your Father in the Spirit World because I have a strong energy here. He was not old when he passed and he was a timid man who found it hard to walk towards the end of life

Yes but he was getting on and he did have his weaknesses


Then it could have been an uncle who had these strong energies. I don’t think he was from London

No he was from Italy


Someone around you is thinking about moving and someone who is planning a trip

Yes that is my son, he is looking for a new flat and planning to go on holiday


Can you take the name Mary

Yes I can


Medium ‘C1’ made approximately 28 ‘evidential’ references to clairvoyance during this demonstration ( private taped meeting ) He demonstrated the ability to produce a few good links but the majority of the content related to generalisations of a psychic nature. Note the numerous but subtle references to people’ behaviour ( memories, holidays, flowers and moving house ). Very few people can reject this information, as most people can accept 'memories, holidays, flowers and moving house' in the style which is given.


On this occasion, I believe Medium ‘C1’ performed poorly during this demonstration of mediumship but I do believe he had some spirit links. However, he was never able to build on the evidence.

In my opinion, he achieves some of the objectives of mediumship and the reading focuses on obtaining evidence of survival.

Medium 'C1' scores an overall performance of 27 percent , based on the assessment criteria. Medium 'C1' is an established international ‘clairvoyant’.


Presentation: Occasionally focused, psychic information and generalisations appear often, some credit to mediumship.

Sincerity: Genuine

Total number of data received: 28

Accepted data: 7.5

Rejected data: 20.5

Golden hit criteria score: 0

Percentage score: 7. 5 / 28 x 100 % = 27 % scored during assessment

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Spiritualist Church Review, by Unavoidable Evil

Check this clip out. My desire to go to a spiritualist church service has been truly restored....not !!!!!!!

Sunday 18 May 2008

Nazi Mediums

I continue my theme of case-examples involving Mediums and clairvoyants who have acted inauspiciously whilst performing on the public platform. Curious as it may seem, my next item also involves the Nazis. You will recall my previous article described the materialisation event of Adolph Hitler at a Hampshire spiritualist church and his untimely progression within the Spirit World.

The second ‘Nazi’ event happened some time ago but is worth telling because it is wholeheartedly true and ridiculous. When you attend a spiritualist service you quite rightly expect to be greeted by a platform Medium who is capable of demonstrating the professional code of conduct that upholds the standards of Spiritualism. This should include the Medium’s ability to demonstrate compassion to members of the audience who in all likelihood, are experiencing bereavement, sickness and other equally difficult situations. In order to add further conditions, the Medium should have the necessary skills required to address a diversified congregation of people made up of characters from all walks of life.

A little while back I spoke to a couple of authentic and sure-fire people who witnessed a preposterous incident at a spiritualist church in Sussex, England. The eyewitnesses describe this event as ‘a wondrous and surreal event’ which was enacted by the Medium in front of an audience of approximately twenty or thirty people.The Medium, a comparative unknown within the spiritualist church mounted the platform in the usual way that you might expect and his appearance fitted the usual description of a professional platform Medium.

However, this situation went downhill like a bat out of hell following the Medium’s psychotic personality change to a goose –stepping ‘Nazi’, whilst in an ostensible trance-like state. The Medium, who actually wore jackboots at the time hailed the audience with the type of Nazi salute which you would anticipate at a Nazi rally. The Nazi salute was swiftly followed by the Medium’s address which eyewitnesses describe as ‘ a German accent not dissimilar to Herr Otto Flick, the German character from the comedy TV series ‘Allo, ‘Allo >>>link.

This freakish accent / behaviour lasted for nearly 20 minutes before the ‘Nazi’ Medium resorted back to his English personality, by which time the audience was left reeling with both laughter and in some cases, stunned silence.It is my opinion that this loser should have been dealt with then and there by the church officials, preferably by the immediate removal of this man from the platform and subsequent transfer to the nearest hospital for psychiatric assessment.After all was said and done and as I have seen so many countless times before; church officials seem paralysed to do take action against anyone who fails to demonstrate the professional code of conduct that upholds the standards of Spiritualism.

Instead, church officials do nothing and tolerate this type of conduct. Regrettably in this case, the ‘Nazi’ Medium was allowed to leave the platform and church by the normal channels instead of being subjected to disciplinary action and a lifetime ban from the public’ platform. I have no doubt that this same Medium will emerge at other spiritualist’ churches in the very near future and will masquerade as a ‘Nazi’ or other commanding figure who is ready to deceive the audience in which ever way he regards as appropriate.

Monday 7 April 2008

Adolph Hitler is 'Progressing Well' in the Spirit World !

A little while back, I recall attending a Spiritualist National Union college course at Stanstead Hall, Essex, the home of the Spiritualist Nation Union.

What sticks in my mind about the Minister who directed the course was the way she encouraged her students to be at their best when they perform on the platform and whilst they are strutting their stuff in front of an audience. If I recollect fittingly, this particular Minister endorses the need for platform workers to be bold in there manor and not to show any sign of humbleness in their approach to platform work.

The definition of ‘humble’ - lowly, modest, abase ( Collins )

Whilst I admire this Minister’s gallant attempt to bring the best out of her students, as I am sure she does, I cannot help but think that exercising caution also plays an important part in our long and often weary path to successful public work.

This leads me to a confrontation I once witnessed at a Hampshire spiritualist church. The Medium, an elegant and confident appearing person, started the service by leading the congregation in prayer; her robust voice adding confidence to the setting. However, the proceedings went downhill at breakneck speed following her public reference to Adolph Hitler and his current status in the Spirit World. For those of you who don’t already know, Adolph is doing just fine and indeed he is ‘progressing well’, quote.

Be that as it may, this was definitely not the place to reveal such distressing news. After all, history recalls several Cities in Hampshire were badly bombed during WW2 by the German Luftwaffe. Consequently, thousands of Hampsire based civilians died in their homes during a matter of hours during these raids.

Whilst I accept that some people can possibly find forgiveness and eventually move on from the horrors of WW2, it may not be so easy for other people to express forgiveness towards a pack of fanatical terrorists. Incidentally, just like this platform Medium, I too did not witness the bombing raids of WW2 as I was born decades after these atrocities.

During this spiritualist service, it became very clear to me that several members of the congregation, judging by their ages, did indeed witness the bombing raids of 1940 - 1945 and adding to this the Medium’s claim that Adolph Hitler is 'progressing well' is distasteful.
I use this case-example from a bag of equally inauspicious comments which have been quoted by platform workers during spiritualist services. It appears to me that some Mediums fail to learn the necessary skills of diplomacy, tactfulness and empathy when they are serving the public. Some mediums demonstrate shear insensitivity to the point of arrogant presumption and lack of understanding.

I think this horror story demonstrates the need for all Mediums to exercise caution and a degree of humbleness in the wake of an outlandish and distressing claim that was made by a platform Medium, who to all intent and purpose, was really talking out of her arse.

Saturday 15 March 2008

Credible Mediumship

Acceptable and credible evidence of life after death is often muddled and confusing. The solution to this dilemma is best explained in the following way:

Acceptable and credible evidence of life after death is 'intelligence' from spirit communicators that will hold up to scrutiny and prove beyond reasonable doubt, the existence of the spirit communicator.

Direct Voice:

A means of producing and hearing discarnate souls within a controlled environment. Documented evidence suggests how witnesses are able to claim and accept 'spirit' voices; by means of the characteristic tone, style, 'live' conversations and evidential information projected by the 'spirit' voice. This exceptional communication technique is thought to be infrequent and when investigated has baffled many scientists and psychic researchers alike. Two famous Mediums that have been identified with 'direct voice' are Estelle Roberts and Leslie Flint. Roberts has been known to communicate in foreign languages, including Dutch, a language that was beyond her grasp. Scientists have extensively investigated Flint. One scientific report concluded that an 'unknown force' was operating through him.


The physical form of phenomena known as materialisation is the utilisation of human energy by spirit forces, for the purpose of controlling physical movement. For example, in documented cases, eyewitnesses have reported seeing the movement of tables, chairs and small objects in a controlled atmosphere. In other examples, eyewitnesses have identified three - dimensional images of ‘dead’ relatives and friends. The conversion of human energy into a spirit force has been conveniently called ectoplasm. This process is not obviously understood; however, the resultant process is powerful enough to move objects and the spirit 'material' can become tangible to humans.

Spirit photography:

Ectoplasmic objects can be photographed under appropriate conditions. Moving and still images of spirit forces have produced an array of spirit evidence.

Psychic art:

Some Mediums are able to draw images of ‘dead’ people. Consequently, eyewitnesses can positively identify friends and relatives. This source of evidence can hold up to rigorous scrutiny and may produce reliable evidence.


This form of spirit communication is uncommon today, and when witnessed, can be branded as tomfoolery on the part of the Medium. Scientists, doctors and even some priests regard the idea of a spirit force, taking control of a human in a possessive action as comical. Be that as it may, eyewitnesses have been astounded by the brut-force of the 'possession'. Accounts of remarkable philosophy and knowledge have been observed and when likened with the same 'dispossessed' Medium, has proven impossible to replicate the same comprehension and intellect that was demonstrated during the 'possession'. One famous Trance Medium known today is Colin Fry.

Mental phenomena:

This is by far the most popular form of 'spirit contact' today, whereby the Medium communicates with the 'spirit' on a non-physical level and passes the information on to the third person for which the information is intended. Mental phenomena have been subjected to condemnation in recent years inasmuch as the standards of mediumship have declined. However, this process cannot be dismissed entirely in view of the fact that some spirit links can be highly evidential. For example, obscure information, unusual names and addresses which all inter-link. Excellent memory links and accurate descriptions of ‘dead’ associates may be convincing enough to hold up to scrutiny and prove beyond reasonable doubt, the existence of the spirit communicator.

This is by far the most popular form of 'spirit contact' today, whereby the Medium communicates with the 'spirit' on a non-physical level and passes the information on to the third person for which the information is intended. Mental phenomena have been subjected to condemnation in recent years inasmuch as the standards of mediumship have declined. However, this process cannot be dismissed entirely in view of the fact that some spirit links can be highly evidential. For example, obscure information, unusual names and addresses which all inter-link. Excellent memory links and accurate descriptions of ‘dead’ associates may be convincing enough to hold up to scrutiny and prove beyond reasonable doubt, the existence of the spirit communicator.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Mugged by a Medium, by Victor Olliver

You don't expect to be mugged in a place of religious practice or contemplation. Especially not at the premises of the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, set amid the standard piste-white of London Belgravia's many CCTV-protected embassies. No one karate-chopped me and made off with my wallet. And the SAGB itself wasn't to blame.

But I was taken for a mug, by a fraudulent medium and her 3,000-year-old "spirit guide", and left £45 the poorer.

So this is what happened

On a whim I'd copped off work and decided to attend one of the SAGB's weekday afternoon demonstrations of clairvoyance. I can't remember the name of the guest medium but the chairperson sticks in my mind, a theatrical man draped in long silky robes, his head crowned with a fez. Sort of Lawrence of Arabia meets Tommy Cooper.

A small congregation had assembled in the pretty ground floor chapel: a medley of tourists, mother-daughter couples, lone males at the sides and back, a lone American woman (who'd laden the two chairs flanking her with bags and books) and two extremely old, chicly dressed Arab women at the front in their silky Hermes scarves (perhaps slumming it after cappuccinos at Harrods, just round the corner). In fairness, the guest medium's messages were "evidential" - that is to say, she received positive responses from the individuals she came to with memories from the other side. This is not always the case. Today, the medium was on a roll. She was a feisty one, brisk and light-hearted, not shy to pass on some sharp criticism from astral loved-ones. Such mediums give Spiritualism a good name in that it is not easy to dismiss what they say as generalisation or body reading.

Then she came to me. She said a lot, some of it evidential, but in essence her message was "pull your socks up". I could live with that. It was fair given the personal detail she came up with. But once the demonstration was over a woman in the congregation approached me with a distressed look on her face. "Oh you poor thing," she said, gently gripping my arm and establishing instant eye contact. "I thought she [the guest medium] was a bit harsh on you. There's much more I could tell you that's positive. I can see, you see. I'm a medium, too."Perhaps I was feeling vulnerable but her psychic pity found its audience. I instantly felt that here was a person who might dish up some reassurance - from an authentic source of course. She gave me her name (let's call her Susie), she described herself as a trance medium and she had things to tell me that I would find constructive. Not like that nasty harridan on the stage. Would I like a "consultation"? We exchanged telephone numbers. And a few days later I made an appointment to see this woman at her home.

About a fortnight later I rang the door to a flat in north London. She led me through a dingy corridor to her "studio". My instincts were on alert the moment she locked the door behind me and hid away the key. My instant thought was: what if I wanted to leave now, would she let me?

She sat me down in an armchair in front of her queen-sized double bed and she took a standing position by the fireplace. Susie began by telling me how the spirit world had first come knocking in her life years back. One night she'd awoken in her sheets to find her bed on fire. She did not say what caused the fire; nor did I ask. Once she'd doused the flames (presumably with water) she formed the idea that the spirit world had rescued her by waking her up in good time and saving her from an untimely roasting.

That was the sign; she had been "called". Since then she'd practised - or at least, advertised herself - as a medium.

Now she explained how she worked. Shortly, she said, she would pass into trance and her "3,000-year-old" male Chinese spirit guide (let's call him Mr Yao) would take her over. I was to remain calm and simply respond to any questions he might ask. Then she closed her eyes and began to breathe deeply and rhythmically - after a minute or so she emitted a curious sound: "Ahhhhhhhhhhh.""Ahhhhhhhhh, I am Mr Yao, please to stay calm…" These were the first words spoken by the Oriental spirit guide. Her voice had dropped an octave or two. "You old soul yourself," he continued, sounding not unlike Christopher Lee's fiendish Dr Fu Manchu . "Instrument (he meant Susie) cannot know what I will tell you …"

In fact he was to tell me nothing I couldn't have read in a book. Instead he launched into a long lecture on reincarnation and the laws of cause and effect. All the while Susie's eyes remained shut. After about 20 minutes of this, Mr Yao was interrupted to my relief - by the telephone ringing on an adjacent side table.

"Should I answer it?" I asked. Susie looked a little perplexed. Eyes stayed shut. "It will stop ringing," replied Mr Yao, betraying a surprising familiarity with modern communication devices for a 3,000-year-old soul. But it did not stop ringing so I picked it up.

"Hello," I began."Who is this?" barked the caller, a man."Um, er, I am having a sitting with Susie.""A what?""A sitting. Er, may I ask who is calling?""What? Is she there? A sitting?""She is in a trance …""Oh my God! Not that nonsense again. Put her on the phone now - this is her father!"
I placed a hand over the mouthpiece and whispered to Susie/Mr Yao: "It's your father - he sounds rather cross."

"Oh, uh, er …" For a moment Susie/Mr Yao didn't seem to know what to do. "Ahhhhhhhh," began Mr Yao, "please to tell caller that instrument is in trance."

I replied, "I have told Susie's father she's in a trance - I think you should talk to him."
At this Susie's eyes shot open and she silently took the phone from my hand. "Ahhhhh, this is Mr Yao," she said still in Oriental character, "instrument is in trance but she will call you back moment she returns." And then Mr Yao replaced the receiver. I'd heard garbled angry noises at the other end of the line.

Susie shut her eyes again and Mr Yao gave me a faint smile before continuing for another 10 minutes on the theme of reincarnation. "You have questions?" he asked me at the end. "No, no," I said, "I have to go, it's all been very interesting." Mr Yao wished me a happy life and on that cue Susie regained control of her vocal cords and her modulated London accent.

Indeed her eyes may well have opened to the sight of my fishing out the cash from my wallet. She did not appear embarrassed or in anyway offended by my obvious rush to get away - I did however mention en passant that her father had called. "Oh really," she said distractedly.

Now, you may wonder why I paid the £45 to such an obvious con. Am I a man or a mouse? Surely I could have simply insisted she unlock the door and let me out. Or even called the police. But it did occur to me, as she babbled on as Mr Yao, that she might accuse me of all sorts of things if the cops were called - such a delusional and dishonest person might be capable of any concoction. It felt safer just to cough up - and swallow my medicine, as it were.

Because in the end it was my fault that had I found myself in that low-rent bed-sit. I'd allowed myself to be hoodwinked for "reassurance" and "comfort". I didn't ask myself why a person would solicit my custom in a place of worship for personal gain, playing all the while on some perceived vulnerability in me.

So I decided I would "fine" myself £45. That sum was self-punishment for being such a clot."Susie" still advertises herself as a medium/counsellor/whatever in the back ads of the psychic press. You might say it's my public duty to name and shame her. You maybe right. But for the moment I am happy to name and shame myself.

Published by with kind permission from Victor Olliver - Teletext.

Monday 3 March 2008

A Sunday in Southampton

My visit to a Sunday service at Southampton-Bitterne spiritualist church just before Christmas has proved to be another useful reminder to me that the typical Sunday service at any spiritualist church has not changed by one iota during the last ten- years. I could be forgiven by some people for believing that I had just attended a service from 1998, the year I resigned my Vice-presdendancy and SNU ‘B’ status of the spiritualists’ union. It was also the year I last chaired a spiritualist meeting in my official capacity.

Why should it change you may ask ?

Bitterne Spiritualist church is enchanting in every way. The church sits on high ground overlooking several views of Southampton City. During my visit to the church, the officials were welcoming and friendly. The atmosphere was inviting and cosy in every sense and above the platform within the church loomed a banner stating...... ‘60 years of spiritualism’

The service was shepherded in the usual pattern as I recall from my previous brushes with spiritualist churches. In other words, A loudly sung Christian hymn followed by prayer and a reading. This was followed by more Christian hymns followed by the address and even more Christian hymns and finally, the short slot of time at the end which is normally set aside for clairvoyance lasted approximately 15 minutes ( less than 15% of the time allocated to the service in total ). The Medium, a somewhat banal character, appeared to have consumed more than her fair-share of sherry during the eating of mince-pies prior to the service.

As I sat in the congregation altogether wearied, I tried to focus on the typical attendee and understand why some people in the congregation have probably attended the church since the doors opened in 1948. It dawned on me that many people were delighted to be here in Bittern on a weekly basis to experience the general atmosphere and the cosiness which was truly inviting and tranquil.

Not withstanding the short session at the end of the service where the Medium attempted to join with the Spirit World but in my opinion, failed to bring any real communication from loved ones in spirit, I concluded that the service I attended was not dissimilar to a Christian gathering. I did not regret coming here but I did wonder why I spent money getting here when I could have attended the Christian service at St Peters in Fareham.

Monday 28 January 2008

Out With The Old, In With The New ( 2008 )

Spiritualism and other organisations which support this belief system have undergone a dramatic change during the last seventy years, since the like of Estelle Roberts, Leslie Flint and other historically gifted Mediums frequented the spiritualist platform.
Though the seven principles of spiritualism remain the core belief system within today’s Spiritualist movement, the values and standards of mediumship that were once witnessed within the spiritualist movement have changed so much that it would be improbable that a Medium or any other member of the public of yesteryear would identify with the trends of contemporary Spiritualism.

Let me substantiate this in a little more detail. Today's spiritualist’ service has remained relatively intact over the years. That is to say the usual order of service is approached with prayer followed by a reading and then an address by the Medium or speaker. This in turn is succeeded by more prayers and finally, the manifestation of mediumship that almost everyone has been eagerly anticipating from the outset.

However there is a growing number of people who have taken matters into there own hands in respect of the church service. They are the individuals who arrive late for the spiritualist services and in some cases, so late that almost 45 minutes of the service is conveniently excluded in favour of a 15 minute demonstration of mediumship. This behaviour on the part of congregation members is obviously registered with the committee members, but in spite of this, little if anything is ever addressed to rectify the position. Instead committee members tolerate this behaviour to the point of acceptance and treat it as the norm.

As far as I can see there is no official ruling that dictates the nature and order of the typical spiritualist service’ nor does it decree how officials of each church should conduct their services because how it is conducted is really a matter of choice and style, so long as certain standards are maintained.

Church officials are therefore given a free hand to conduct the service in a way which is deemed fit .

Is it therefore possible that the church service as a whole, which includes mediumship standards have declined so much and have become so uninspiring that many individuals feel the need to either ostracise the service or at least only attend the parts of the service that are of interest ?
The fact remains that church officials seem powerless or unwilling to counter the problem of certain behaviour and standards of service. This in turn only serves to compound the problem and enforces the poor image that many people hold about Spiritualism.

Any forward thinking person and anyone with an ounce of concern who holds a position of authority clearly has the mandate to reverse this trend by investigating he reasons why it is happening and addressing the problem. After all, the good businessman has need to change and keep abreast with market trends if he is to remain successful in his business. Likewise, church officials need to adopt a similar approach if they are to avoid empty churches.

At this time I see no positive steps being taken to reverse this worrying trend.

Once again we are faced with church officials who prefer to avoid confrontation and change and instead, have chosen to take a slice of lemon cake washed down with weak milky tea whilst they stare and drift aimlessly into the abyss.