Tuesday 17 June 2008

Trusting Your Psychic

Countless numbers of people experience the effects of psychic intuition which by all accounts can be astounding or even spectacular, especially if psychic intuition results in a fundamental change of behaviour or a particular situation. This so called ‘inner voice ’ can impact peoples’ thoughts without little warning and thus, influence how people react to their newly acquired outlook.

Psychic intuition

A person sanctified with the psychic gift will predominately read the aura of an individual or object, using intuitiveness as a means of obtaining information of a material value, such as health and futuristic issues, etc. Psychics can literally ‘read people’ or situations without the need of help from spirit forces. Many ordinary people possess a limited psychic gift which they may or may not be aware of, for example, many individuals experience positive or negative feelings towards people or objects. Comments such as ‘ I like him’ or ‘ I feel uncomfortable with her’ or ‘ I like this place’ are very common accounts to mention.

Inner voice

I recall several vivid accounts of how my ‘inner voice’ has intervened during the course of life’events, the consequence of which has influenced my thoughts, feelings and actions.

One such case involved a girl I met at College several years ago. On face value of my newly found friendship, I was convinced that I had nothing in common with this person, however, the inner voice said ‘yes you have ‘. I hence listened, reasoned and accepted my ‘gut feeling’. As I continued to get to know my college friend over the weeks and Months which followed, I began to realise that we had in-fact very similar interests to share. On reflection, my initial dismissive attitude was short-sighted.

By the same token I recall meeting a man some years ago who appeared to be very warm and outgoing. Be that as it may, without warning and virtually within a short time of meeting this person, my inner voice suggested that this situation was ‘not right‘ for me. At the time, I could not sensibly explain this feeling, nor could I justify dismissing someone on the basis of a feeling that I was unable to justify. During the weeks which followed I realised my newly acquired friend was skin-deep in every way. This warm and outgoing personality was masking other problems which I was unable and unwilling to deal with.

Common types of psychic intuition

There are numerous types of psychic intuition which are in need of account. Many people experience good or bad vibes about certain people they meet in the course of the day and some people will experience this type of feeling on the basis of meeting someone for the first time, possibly even before they engage in their first conversation.

Many documented cases have exposed how relationships have been made or broken within a couple of seconds of people meeting for the first time. For example, this phenomena is well documented in cases where the job interviewer has often come to a conclusion about the job candidate within a matter of seconds. The same can be said about potential house purchasers who view a property and know within a few seconds how they feel about the property. Of course, there could be several reasons how this phenomena is explained but ‘gut feeling’ should be deliberated without doubt.

Many people experience the ‘inner voice’ feeling during the most commonplace situations. For instance, how many times have you snatched that bargain at the local shop on the basis of impulse, but subsequently, have returned the same item because second thoughts have made you more mindful. This situation may be explained away by ‘gut feeling’ which has guided you away from the initial impulse of your first thought. ‘Gut feeling’ is therefore not uncommon by any means and is often accepted by some people as second nature without any further need for introspective reasoning about how these feelings have evolved.

Animals are not excluded from psychic intuition either. Many people will contend with the idea that animals are more psychically aware of effects such as danger than are humans. One case which verifies this theory perfectly is the Asian Tsunami of 2004. It is widely reported that animals of varying species fled the coastal towns of the affected region several hours before the tidal waves came ashore.

Examples of dramatic types

History recalls numerous psychics, the most famous and controversial perhaps is Nostradamous who wrote prophetic quatrains and is declared to have made reference to Hitler and Nuclear attacks amongst other dramatic subjects, several hundred years before the events became reality. Psychics of today include the American, Sylvia Browne who has made numerous predictions about political figureheads such as Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden.

Psychic intuition is not exclusively owned by the most gifted of psychics. This is clearly demonstrated by ordinary people who have successfully predicted mundane and World events on a widespread basis. Examples include the prediction of plane crashes and other types of disasters including the Terrorist attacks in New York and the Asian Tsunami.

How seriously should you listen to the ‘ inner voice ‘

I had real challenges accepting my ‘inner voice’ for many years prior to the day I finally woke up and realised that trusting my gift was the best option for me. A combination of arrogance and senselessness on my part had resulted in unfavourable consequences and missed opportunities. Nowadays, I place greater emphasis on trusting my ‘gut feeling’ to the extent where I accept intuition as second nature and act on it wherever possible.

The correlation between mediumship and psychic ability.

Mediums and Psychics alike are sensitive to the environmental influences of positive and negative energies that exude from animate and inanimate objects. By way of the sixth sense, this quality allows the Medium or Psychic to detect the magnetic properties that surround all living creatures and objects.

Nonetheless, the mediumistic ability of the Psychic is normally considered to be very limited or even non-existent. Consequently, any contact with spirit is less-likely. The Medium, however, is potentially attuned to the higher forces of psychic awareness and is potentially able to make contact with spirit as a result of heightened psychic sensitivity.

Mediums and Psychics are capable of communicating information through telepathic sources; Psychics can accomplish this through the mind waves of humans, whereas Mediums can potentially achieve this through spirit contact. Mediums and Psychics are sensitive. A Medium must be psychic so that the spirit link can be made. Psychics can ‘read people’ without the need of help from spirit forces

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good thing nowadays is that we can always get people to help us out with this sort of things. Surely we weren't born knowing that we had psychic abilities or intuition, we have to discover it and develop it. The good thing as I said is that there are places and people that could help us develop this gift more and use it better.