Monday 6 August 2007

Psychics - Making Ends Meet !

What strikes me most about the classified advertisements of mainstream psychic publications, which includes amongst other magazines, Psychic News and Spirit Destiny is the diversity of services offered by Psychics and Mediums in the United Kingdom, Europe and beyond.

Of course, as you might expect, many listed services include Runes readings, Horoscope, Spiritual healing and Tarot cards. Many of these services are traditionally accepted within the scope of adopted practices that have existed for a thousand years and more.

Reading further down the list of psychic related advertisements, I come across the most obscure departments, all of which exist under the umbrella of ‘psychic services’:

Spell casting
How to get your ex- partner back
Return your lover

Be that as it may, the objective of this article is not concerned with the diversity and relevance of the services offered by psychic consultants as this will be the subject of my next article which will appear in the very near future. My main consideration here is charged against the validity and range of fees demanded by Psychics and Mediums.

The principle of charging clients for a psychic consultation is, in my mind, acceptable to most people who seek out the services of professional psychics. After all most of us willingly engage the services of professional accountants and solicitors and we might pay a handsome sum of money for their time. In like manner, there is no reason why a psychic consultant should withhold charging a reasonable fee from their clients for services rendered. After all, psychic consultants have their need to pay bills and buy food.

However, what sticks in my mind as I read through the classified advertisements are the extortionate fees which are demanded by some Psychics. For example, I note one advertisement which features an internationally renowned Medium who is offering a private reading at the rate of £30 per 20 minutes consultation ( that’s £90 per hour! ). Similar advertisements demand fees which range from £1.50 per minute to £20 for a postal reading.

Contrastingly, some Mediums and Psychics suggest donations instead of fixed fees or request much smaller fees for their services. I personally know of several Mediums in the Hampshire area who charge between £15 and £20 for an hourly session.

The point I am making here refers to the fact that there is no official regulatory body in the United Kingdom which supervises the conduct of Mediums and Psychics who are free to set their own fee at a rate which they feel is appropriate for their services. Consequently the likes of bad psychics and charlatans have the potential to out price or even undercut the fees which are set down by genuine clairvoyants who perhaps deserve better.

As luck would have it, nowhere in the advertisements have I seen reference to money back guarantees for clients who are dissatisfied with their consultation!.


Sophia Angell McCarthy said...

I'm an 80 year old psychic and I just just up a blog where I can field your questions, and provide my psychic answer.

I never charge for anything, I just enjoy using my psychic intuition to help people.

So if you've got a personal question, whether general or specific, come see me. What better way to be convinced that there's something to all this psychic stuff?

Anonymous said...

There are lots of other psychic services out there and people do find them helpful and some don't. Though there could be confusion on the different readings from different sources, what should really matter is on how we interpret those readings and use them in our daily lives for our guidance.