"Brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle" (2 Thessalonians 2:14 )
Of all the unexpected encounters during my numerous visits to spiritualist’ churches is my clash with Christianity in churches which are affiliated to the Spiritualist National Union. Several ( SNU ) spiritualist churches I know promote Christianity at every occasion by way of Christian hymn singing, depictions of the Nazarene placed strategically with Christian paintings to boot.
One such church in Brighton, United Kingdom, of which I was Vice-president for several years, has a consecrated sanctuary for spiritual healing and other services. The walls of this little grotto are straddled with inappropriate murals of Christ and his apostles and have the added feature of spotlight luminosity, for all and sundry to bear witness.
The President of this little sanctuary, a sprightly lady in her 90th year, has clearly authorised the promotion of Christianity to be exhibited in ways that she believes are appropriate. One such painting of Christ, dressed in a white robe, can be found on the 2nd floor of the church. This overbearing portrayal of Christ clearly acts as a backdrop and central theme of focus on the spiritualist platform.
The Spiritualist National Union ( SNU ) which encompasses spiritualist ideology is, in the main, not affiliated to Christianity and should not endorse or promote Christianity in any configuration. This theorem is unequivocally substantiated in the Seven Principles of Spiritualism which make no reference to Christ’ doctrines.
Be that as it may, The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church, voices its’ reliance in eight pledges which include ‘ I accept the Leadership of Jesus Christ’ ‘ I believe that sins committed can only be rectified by the sinner himself or herself, through the redemptive power of Jesus the Christ, by repentance and service to others’
The church quotes the following : ‘ Jesus Christ, the Way, and Christianity; Spiritualism and spiritual gifts; Mediums: attitudes and aspirations; Mediumship: the safe way and the way which causes harm; Predestination and 'incarnating' and viewing these spiritually; Religion in both its liberal and literalistic sense and their effects; Clairvoyance and clairaudience; Psychics and spirituality; Plants, animals and humbler creations; Afterlife or life-after-death’
Allow me be very clear here. Christianity may have a place in the minds and souls of many millions of Christians around the World who in their turn, have accepted the virtuousness of Christianity.
Nonetheless, my consideration is charged against many Presidents and the supporting committees of Spiritualist' churches which are affiliated to the Spiritualist National Union, but who after all is said and done, continue to contravene the teachings of the Spiritualist National Union and who accordingly subscribe and advertise Christianity at every given opportunity. Added to this, a few scrapes of spiritualism thrown in to appease the mob.
I recall one occasion during an official delegation of visitors from the Spiritualist National Union. One delegate, a high ranking minister quite rightly challenged the reasoning behind the portrayal and display of Christianity in the form of wall paintings. The ministerial quizzing was swiftly followed by a suggestion that the offending church should consider selling the pictures as a means of raising funds for the good of the church !.
Nowadays, the legions of churches which are affiliated to the Spiritualist National Union continue to promote Christianity on every occasion and the SNU appears powerless towards countering this pathetic situation. At worst, the Spiritualist National Union acknowledges the position but turns away and does nothing.