I have always respected Mediums who are able to conjure up descriptions of Guides, including North American Indians, Chinese and African Guides, Door Keepers, Spirit Helpers, Fairies, Angels and many others’ of exotic origin who, whilst alive on this earth plain, were held in high honour amongst their societies.
The platform Medium
During the early years’ of my Spiritualist career I recall the feeling of unreserved upliftment and calm whenever the platform Medium described my Indian guide, watching over me and caring for me. During sickness and during despair I recall the sense of total protection by the words handed to me by the platform Medium.
Several years on, I am still assured that my ‘Greek philosopher’ guide is working with me, waiting for me and guiding over me in a manor which sustains my personal strength, so that I may live on through each day. Albeit, I have noted a faint change in the way I respond with my much-admired Spirit Guides.
To a certain extent, I do not rely entirely on their never-ending powers of guidance and protection. Quite the opposite, I accept their company and carry on living regardless!
Similarly, I see spiritualists and non-spiritualists alike who gain enormous comfort and strength from the news that their ‘Tibetan Monk’ is sending strength and love to his chosen scholar.
I repeatedly think to myself that this flow of information surly cannot be unconstructive, in the company of a Medium who is able to communicate with such powerful spirit communicators and with such awe and wonder of the message that leaves it’s recipients uplifted and ‘on top of the World !.’
From an evidential point of view I will argue that the communication of exotic Guides does not necessarily constitute absolute proof of survival after death. The portrayal of exotic guides, including North American Indians, Chinese and African Guides, Door Keepers, Spirit Helpers, Fairies and Angels cannot be discounted entirely as proof of spirit survival.
Nonetheless, this type of ‘evidence’ should be rejected because it is based from start to finish on a physical description of an unknown personality.
Most, if not all people are unable to affirm any information about their ‘spirit guides’ from a previous encounter in this life. This includes the images of guides that have been drawn by psychic artists. People simply cannot accept the image of a red Indian as proof of the hereafter.
A growing number of Mediums will contend that spirit often appears in the guise of an ‘exotic` soul, with the idea that ‘exotic’ spirit is more easily accepted by the congregation or recipient as absolute proof of power and almighty of the Spirit World.
I vehemently believe there are two potential dangers associated with accepting ‘exotic guides’ as absolute proof of spirit communication:
The communicating Medium may become a victim of his own delusion by accepting every spirit guide in the form of an ‘exotic soul’. Can we absolutely discount the possibility that low-life spirit forms are attempting to enter this World through a Medium who is either susceptible to the dangers of deception or is harebrained enough to accept every spirit upon ‘face-vale’?. My own experience has offered discipline against the possibilty of negative spirit energies, who may never be too far away and who persistently endeavour to trick the communicating Medium, so as to get a foothold into our atmosphere. It is well known that negative forces can disrupt and even possess individuals for their own ends!.
The communicating Medium may simply fool the audience into believing that a spate of ‘exotics’ is unequivocal proof of life-after-death, without giving a shred of real objective evidence from a deceased person. From my own experience, I have personally received messages from Chief Sittingbull and Jesus, advising me on how to go about my daily life. It would be arrogant presumption to write off the possibility of a message from someone famous. Even so, a message that is delivered by a notability embraces an ingredient of power and status which may be too irresistible to reject by some people, including the Medium.
The next time you receive a message from a Medium, which contains an exotic ingredient, take note and comfort from the words, feel uplifted in their presence but above all else, throw caution to the spiritual wind until your spirit guide provides you with absolute proof of life-after-death, by way of substantial evidence.
Published by www.spiritVoice.biz/
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